Living as Kingdom People: An Exploration of Hypocrisy and Authenticity in Church

Sermon on the Mount Series | Week 10


Living as Kingdom People: An Exploration of Hypocrisy and Authenticity in Church

In this blog, we will delve into the topic of living as Kingdom people and explore the concepts of hypocrisy and authenticity in the context of the church. This is a crucial and relevant topic that affects many individuals in their spiritual journeys. We will discuss the reasons why people avoid attending church, the impact of being hurt by the church, and the perception of hypocrisy within church communities.

Through an in-depth examination of the teachings of Jesus in The Sermon on the Mount, we will explore the significance of genuine prayer, giving, and fasting as integral aspects of living as Kingdom people. The goal of this exploration is to provide insights and guidance for individuals seeking to live authentically and with integrity in their faith journey.

Reasons People Don't Attend Church

There are several reasons why people choose not to attend church, and it's important to address these issues in a compassionate and understanding manner. Here are some common reasons why individuals may avoid attending church:


Some people perceive church as boring, whether it's due to the style of the service, lack of engaging content, or feeling disconnected from the message. It's important for churches to create dynamic and engaging services that resonate with different individuals.

Hurt by Church

Many individuals have been hurt by experiences within the church, whether it's through conflicts, misunderstandings, or feeling marginalized. It's crucial for churches to create a safe and nurturing environment for healing and restoration.

Financial Concerns

Some people feel that churches are primarily focused on financial contributions. While financial support is essential for the operation of a church, it's important for individuals to feel valued for more than just their financial contributions.

Political Influence

There is a perception that some churches have become too political, which can deter individuals who wish to focus on spirituality rather than political agendas. Churches should strive to maintain a balance between addressing social issues and upholding spiritual values.

Perception of Hypocrisy

One of the most common reasons people avoid attending church is the perception of hypocrisy within church communities. Many individuals feel that churchgoers act differently within the church setting compared to their behavior outside of the church. Addressing this perception of hypocrisy is crucial for building a genuine and authentic church community.

Boredom in Church

Do you ever find yourself feeling bored during a church service? You're not alone. Many people struggle with boredom in church for various reasons. Here are a few common factors that contribute to boredom:

  • Style of the service
  • Lack of engaging content
  • Feeling disconnected from the message

It's important for churches to address these issues and create dynamic and engaging services that resonate with different individuals. The goal is to provide an environment that captivates and inspires everyone who attends.

If you find yourself feeling bored in church, don't be afraid to communicate your concerns with church leaders. Your feedback can help them make positive changes that benefit the entire congregation.

Remember, church should be a place of spiritual fulfillment and inspiration, rather than a source of boredom. By addressing these factors, you can help create a more engaging and meaningful church experience for everyone.

Being Hurt by Church

Many individuals have been hurt by experiences within the church, whether it's through conflicts, misunderstandings, or feeling marginalized. It's crucial for churches to create a safe and nurturing environment for healing and restoration. If you've been hurt by church, remember that the door is always open for healing and reconciliation. In Matthew 18, Jesus teaches that if your brother offends you, you should come talk to him. This principle applies to the church community as well, and it's essential for building a genuine and authentic church community.

Addressing the perception of hypocrisy within church communities is crucial for healing and building a community of genuine and authentic believers. It's important to acknowledge that hypocrisy is a common struggle for all individuals, and Jesus addresses it in The Sermon on the Mount. He uses the word "hypocrite" about 12 times in the Book of Matthew, emphasizing its significance. As Kingdom people, it's vital to address this issue and strive to live with integrity and authenticity in our faith journey.

Remember that the church should be a place of spiritual fulfillment, inspiration, and healing. If you've been hurt by the church, seek the guidance and support you need to heal and restore your faith journey. The goal is to create an environment where individuals can live authentically and with integrity, reflecting the teachings of Jesus in The Sermon on the Mount.

Church's Focus on Money

During the discourse on Kingdom living, Jesus addresses the issue of the church's focus on money. This is a topic of concern for many individuals and affects the perception of church communities.

Hypocrisy in Giving

Jesus warns against the hypocrisy of giving, where individuals make a show of their generosity to gain the approval of others. The focus should be on giving sincerely and for the glory of God, rather than seeking recognition from people.

Private Prayer

Jesus emphasizes the importance of private prayer, cautioning against the practice of praying to be seen by others. The true intention of prayer should be to communicate with God in an intimate and personal way, without seeking validation from others.

Fasting in Secret

Jesus advises against making a spectacle of fasting, urging individuals to fast in secret. The purpose of fasting is to draw closer to God and seek His will, rather than seeking the admiration of others.

Church Becoming Too Political

There is a perception that some churches have become too political, which can deter individuals who wish to focus on spirituality rather than political agendas. Churches should strive to maintain a balance between addressing social issues and upholding spiritual values.

As a kingdom person, it's important to be aware of how the church's involvement in political issues may impact the perception of the church as a whole. Here are a few things to consider:

Positive Aspects of Church Engagement in Social Issues:

  • Addressing social injustice and inequality
  • Advocating for the marginalized and vulnerable
  • Bringing awareness to important societal issues

Potential Negatives of Church Involvement in Politics:

  • Alienating individuals with differing political views
  • Creating division within the church community
  • Diminishing the focus on spiritual growth and worship

It's essential for churches to navigate political engagement with wisdom and discernment, ensuring that the spiritual well-being of the congregation remains a top priority. As kingdom people, our focus should be on reflecting the teachings of Jesus and living with integrity in all aspects of our faith journey.

Hypocrisy in Church

One of the most common reasons people avoid attending church is the perception of hypocrisy within church communities. Many individuals feel that churchgoers act differently within the church setting compared to their behavior outside of the church. Addressing this perception of hypocrisy is crucial for building a genuine and authentic church community.

Jesus addresses the issue of hypocrisy in The Sermon on the Mount, using the word "hypocrite" about 12 times in the Book of Matthew. He emphasizes the significance of living with integrity and authenticity in our faith journey. As Kingdom people, it's vital to address this issue and strive to live with integrity and authenticity in our faith journey.

It's important to acknowledge that hypocrisy is a common struggle for all individuals. We may find ourselves acting differently in different settings, but the goal is to align our actions with our values and beliefs, both inside and outside of the church.

As a church community, we should strive to create an environment where individuals can live authentically and with integrity, reflecting the teachings of Jesus in The Sermon on the Mount. This involves being aware of our actions and the motivations behind them, and making a conscious effort to align our behavior with our values.

Reflection on Hypocrisy

Reflection on the concept of hypocrisy is crucial for building a genuine and authentic church community. Jesus addressed the issue of hypocrisy in The Sermon on the Mount, emphasizing its significance by using the word "hypocrite" about 12 times in the Book of Matthew. This highlights the importance of living with integrity and authenticity in our faith journey as Kingdom people.

It's important to acknowledge that hypocrisy is a common struggle for all individuals, both inside and outside of the church. We may find ourselves acting differently in different settings, but the goal is to align our actions with our values and beliefs, both inside and outside of the church. As a church community, we should strive to create an environment where individuals can live authentically and with integrity, reflecting the teachings of Jesus in The Sermon on the Mount.

Addressing the perception of hypocrisy is essential for healing and building a community of genuine and authentic believers. The key is to be aware of our actions and the motivations behind them, making a conscious effort to align our behavior with our values.

As Kingdom people, our focus should be on reflecting the teachings of Jesus and living with integrity in all aspects of our faith journey. Our motivation should be to seek the approval of our heavenly Father, rather than seeking approval from others. Ultimately, our spiritual disciplines are for our transformation, and they should be played out for an audience of one - God.

Living as Kingdom People

Living as Kingdom people requires us to be constantly vigilant and watchful in our actions, especially in the context of giving, prayer, and fasting. Jesus teaches us the importance of authenticity and integrity in our spiritual disciplines, urging us to prioritize the approval of our heavenly Father over seeking the approval of others.

As Kingdom people, we are called to live authentically and with integrity, reflecting the teachings of Jesus in The Sermon on the Mount. Our motivation for our actions should be centered on bringing glory to God, rather than seeking recognition from people. This involves being aware of our heart's posture in giving, praying, and fasting, ensuring that our actions are driven by genuine devotion to God.

Jesus highlights the significance of genuine prayer, giving, and fasting as integral aspects of living as Kingdom people. We are encouraged to engage in these spiritual disciplines with a pure heart, seeking the approval of our heavenly Father who sees our actions in secret. Ultimately, our spiritual disciplines are for our transformation and are to be played out for an audience of one - God.

Reflection on Kingdom Values

Living as Kingdom people requires a reflection on our motivations and values. We are called to prioritize our devotion to God above seeking recognition from others. Our spiritual disciplines should be driven by a genuine desire to honor God and reflect the teachings of Jesus in The Sermon on the Mount.

As Kingdom people, our focus should be on living with integrity and authenticity, aligning our actions with our values and beliefs. This involves being aware of our heart's posture in giving, prayer, and fasting, ensuring that our actions are driven by a sincere devotion to God. Our ultimate reward lies in the transformation of our hearts to be more like Christ, rather than seeking earthly recognition or approval.

By God's power, let us strive to live out Kingdom values, honoring God in all aspects of our faith journey and seeking His approval above all else.


Living as Kingdom people requires constant vigilance and watchfulness in our actions, especially in the context of giving, prayer, and fasting. Jesus teaches us the importance of authenticity and integrity in our spiritual disciplines, urging us to prioritize the approval of our heavenly Father over seeking the approval of others.

As Kingdom people, we are called to live authentically and with integrity, reflecting the teachings of Jesus in The Sermon on the Mount. Our motivation for our actions should be centered on bringing glory to God, rather than seeking recognition from people. This involves being aware of our heart's posture in giving, praying, and fasting, ensuring that our actions are driven by genuine devotion to God.

Jesus highlights the significance of genuine prayer, giving, and fasting as integral aspects of living as Kingdom people. We are encouraged to engage in these spiritual disciplines with a pure heart, seeking the approval of our heavenly Father who sees our actions in secret. Ultimately, our spiritual disciplines are for our transformation and are to be played out for an audience of one - God.

Our focus should be on living with integrity and authenticity, aligning our actions with our values and beliefs. This involves being aware of our heart's posture in giving, prayer, and fasting, ensuring that our actions are driven by a sincere devotion to God. Our ultimate reward lies in the transformation of our hearts to be more like Christ, rather than seeking earthly recognition or approval.

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