parent & child dedication

Dedicate your child to the Lord

Thanks for your interest in Parent & Child Dedication! We have a special time during the Worship Service on Mother's Day (and other days as needed through the year) for parents dedicate themselves and their children to the Lord.

Parents desiring to dedicate their children at Northampton must agree to the following 4 commitments:

  1. I have trusted Jesus as my Savior and I am following Him as Lord of my life.
  2. I commit to walk in obedience to God's Word by God's power in my life, seeking to be a Christlike example in my home, church and community (all spheres of influence).
  3. I commit to pray for and actively seek opportunities to lead my child to faith in Christ and keep myself and my family connected to a Body of believers where we all can be transformed by God and grow in Christlikenes.
  4. I commit to teach and be an example to my child (and my family), by words and actions, to walk in obedience to the Lord for their lives.

Please use the form below to let us know of your interest in dedicating your child.

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