
What we call "Directors" at Northampton are Biblical Deacons. Directors facilitate ministry at Northampton.

Those men and women fulfilling the role of Director (Deacon) need to be vetted against the call and qualifications of a Biblical Deacon with a heart to build into the lives of those on their team. They have a passion not only to fulfill the specific requirements for their particular role, but also to ensure that those who work alongside them are encouraged, equipped and empowered to do the tasks necessary to complete strategic plans and goals specific to their team.

A director should be convinced they are being called into this role and the calling should be confirmed by those around them and the Elders of the church.

The qualifications of a Director (Deacon) are:

In 1 Timothy 3:8-12 Paul lays out the qualifications for a deacon:

  1. A deacon is self-controlled in speech, appetites, and actions (1 Tim. 3:8; see also 1 Tim. 3:11). According to Paul, deacons must be “dignified, not double-tongued, not addicted to much wine, not greedy for dishonest gain.”

  2. A deacon is sound in the faith (1 Tim. 3:9). Deacons must “hold the mystery of the faith with a clear conscience,” which means that they must have a firm grip on the truths of the gospel and live consistently with those truths.

  3. A deacon has been tested (1 Tim. 3:10). Paul writes, “Let them also be tested first; then let them serve as deacons if they prove themselves blameless.” Practically, this means that deacons should have a proven track record of faithful service before they are appointed to the office of deacon.

  4. If married, a deacon is faithful to his spouse (1 Tim. 3:12). If single, the deacon must honor Christ with his body (1 Cor. 6:18-19).

  5. A deacon manages his children and household well (1 Tim. 3:12). Does the way he manages his household indicate that he will faithfully serve the church’s needs? The basic message is that deacons are to be Christians whose trustworthiness, self-control, and soundness in the faith shows that they are able to be trusted (i) to faithfully care for the church’s physical needs and (ii) to serve as an example of faithful service to others.


Levels of Ministry Team Organization

Directors facilitate ministry through Ministry Teams at Northampton. The levels of leadership and connection within a Ministry Team would be...

(1) Director / Assistant Director

  • Can be led by a man or a woman, in the context of plurality leadership team
  • Must meet the requirements of a Deacon
  • A Partner at Northampton
  • Appointed by the Elder Leadership Team


(2) Coordinators

  • Can be a man or a woman
  • Would ideally meet the requirements of a Deacon
  • Would ideally be a Partner at Northampton
  • Appointed by the Director (in communication with an Elder who would support, help, give insight into the decision)


(3) Team members

  • Can be men or women whem the Director/Coordinator would feel would be a good fit/asset to the team to accomplish it’s goals and tasks
  • At least a regular attender of Northampton
  • Appointed by the Director and/or Coordinator working in concert (as necessary)

Director Cohorts

To help keep Directors connected and working together in a scalable, healthy way, we have them grouped into "cohorts." These cohorts communicate regularly together to support each other and work together to facilitate ministry.

Director Resources

Here are helpful links to support Northampton Directors
to facilitate ministry!

Monthly Check-In

Use this form to let us know how you're doing, what God is doing and any needs you might have to lead your ministry.
Check-in Form
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